The Traitors - Season 2 trailer

The Traitors - Season 2 trailer


Background: season 2 of Les Traîtres has been announced!

After a successful first season on M6, Les Traîtres is back for a second season. The concept is inspired by the game Les loups-garous de Thiercelieux and the video game Among Us, and forces its participants to redouble their mischief in order to achieve their goal! Our VFX department was called in to create the special effects needed for the trailer.

Project: VFX production

We took charge of VFX supervision during filming, to facilitate our work in post-production.

Following the artistic guidelines in the script, we created a mysterious atmosphere by adding fog, for example. During filming, the boats were towed by motorboats that were not supposed to appear on screen. We chose to erase them and reproduce the water in 3D, which meant simulating the movements of the boats realistically. Light reflections were added, taking into account the constraints of the water and its reflections. Other shots in the video required objects in the field to be removed.

Inside the château, the piano keys have been recreated and animated to follow the melody of the famous Lettre à Élise.